4 moves to start your day

Too cold to head out for a walk? Keep moving with this easy at-home workout.

Woman exercising

The fall and winter months can make it harder to get outside to exercise — and the holiday season can get your routine all out of whack. To the rescue: this easy 12-minute at-home workout from Holly Roser, founder of Holly Roser Fitness in San Francisco.

Don’t have much time? Just do what you can, says Roser: “Small steps add up to big results.”


March in place for a minute, bringing knees up high. As you march, hold your arms out to the side and make small arm circles. (If needed, hold on to a counter for support and alternate arms.) After warming up, do each move below for one minute, and repeat the circuit three times.


Lie on your back on the floor with knees bent and feet flat and hip-width apart, a few inches away from your bottom. Lift hips up gently as you squeeze your stomach and glutes, and press your arms to the floor, as shown above. Lower hips and repeat for one minute.


Use one arm to hold on to a sturdy surface for balance. Lift one leg behind you, knees slightly bent as you squeeze your glute. Keep your chest up and shoulders back. Lower leg. Repeat each leg for 30 seconds.


Standing straight, step your right foot out to the side. As you land on the ball of your foot, reach your right hand across your body to gently tap your left knee or quad, as if you’re skating. Come back to the center and stand up straight. Step your left foot out to the side and reach across with your left hand to tap your right knee or quad. Repeat for one minute.

Exercise has so many physical and mental health benefits. Moving a bit every day can really make a difference. Check in with your doctor if you have any concerns about starting a new exercise plan.